Fan Art Mar 10 - Dream Big Contest Teaser — Page 341 — Ferris Wheel Press Skip to content
Fan Art Mar 10 - Dream Big Contest Teaser

Fan Art Mar 10 - Dream Big Contest Teaser

With only one week left in the Ferris Wheel Press Jubilee's inaugural contest, we're highlighting two stand-out submissions so far. Watch this space for more images, especially once the contest is over and we pick our favourites!

Join the Jubilee, and submit your own work by clicking here.


Ferris Wheel Press Fan Art by @fabcarter06


Ferris Wheel Press Fan Art by

Next article Fan Art March 03 - Cristian Canelos Calligraphy


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From the simple “photo creds” to the slightly more daring “wow, great picture. The photographer must be so talented and good looking,” this comment almost always demands acknowledgement. Often a banner ad for “Whatever, you probably didn’t pick a picture with me because I made you look bad.”
This picture is the perfect venue to demonstrate to the entire facebook community how clever and witty you are. Whether you’re referencing another golden moment, or commenting on how it’s the best they ever looked, this picture is a commenter’s moment to shine.

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This almost always solicits a response along the lines of “so cute! I <3 you!” or “that was such a fun night!” — essentially anything that makes it clear that you and your BFFL had ridiculous amounts of fun that night, and everyone else should be “mad jeals.”
Typically this requires an “aw you two look great” or “so cute! Hope it was a fun night, we will definitely have to meet up sometime!” Also translated into either “I probably still had more fun than you” or “why wasn’t I invited?”
카지노사이트 - March 31, 2021

Ah, the Facebook photo experience! It’s where most of our time goes. While there’s the occasional album you browse hoping to leave no trace of your presence, every once in a while a comment is indeed in order.
Whether it is a friend’s new profile picture, or a picture too ridiculous, too funny, or too adorable to leave without acknowledgement, here’s your guide on figuring out how to leave your mark.

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