Step right into the Ferris Wheel Press Loyalty Lounge, where every visit is a celebration! Explore the carnival midway and Make Fancy Fun at every turn.

Make sure you're logged into your account, then spin the wheel once per day to unlock exciting rewards. After spinning, simply visit the Loyalty Page to view and redeem your reward.
Carousel Pen - 30,000 points have been added to your account. Visit the loyalty page to redeem your points for a Carousel Pen.
$20 Gift Card - 40,000 points have been added to your account. Head over to the loyalty page to redeem your points for a $20 gift card.
Points (any value) - Your points have been automatically added to your account.
Please allow up to 5 minutes for your reward points to appear in your account.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at support@ferriswheelpress.zohodesk.com